Hello, and thank you for visiting the website pages for The Colliers Wood Residents Association Friends of Colliers Wood Parks and Green Spaces Group!
This is a grand title for what is really an informal, volunteer-led, friendly and enthusiastic community group of Colliers Wood locals who are keen to get involved and do more than just visit a local park. The Friends Group consists of an army of supportive and active volunteers. We are recently formed and launched during the Wandle Fortnight in September 2020.
Our group cover many locations across Colliers Wood including Colliers Wood Recreation Ground, Wandle Park and the River Wandle. We also maintain numerous planters, pots and flower beds dotted around the area, plus if we see a plot of unloved ground we might consider adopting that too.
First Year Anniversary & Mayoral Visit
Our first year was very productive and thanks to the involvement of our volunteers we produced some beautiful displays across Colliers Wood. In October 2021 we were honoured that The Mayor of Merton, Councillor Michael Brunt accompanied us on a tour of some of our projects. It was very rewarding to see the groups’ activities recognised by the Mayor and local councillors. Following the walk, a small reception was held in the Memorial Garden in Colliers Wood Recreation Ground where the Mayor gave a speech and thanked all local volunteers for their hard work and contributions to making Colliers Wood a more welcoming place to live.
To celebrate our First Anniversary and in recognition of the Mayor’s visit, click through the gallery below to view a small book we have created. (Click on the arrows on the right handsome of each image). If you would like a high quality, printed version please contact us via our WhatsApp group or email.
We work in partnership with London Borough of Merton who have legal responsibility for our spaces. Merton Council contract work to idverdeUK who are responsible for managing and maintenance. The Friends group are a subgroup of the Colliers Wood Residents Association and are directed by our own elected committee and set our own constitution and meetings. We apply and receive funding from Merton Council and have the support of sponsors for some local projects.