Colliers Wood Residents’ Association
Updated at AGM 10/1/2017
- The Association shall be known as the Colliers Wood Residents Association.
- The objectives of the Association shall be to promote the interests of the local residents and the local environment.
- For the furtherance of the above objectives to associate with local authorities, voluntary groups, etc. in a common effort to foster a community spirit.
- The Association shall be non party political.
- Membership shall be open to, but not restricted to, all residents living in the Colliers Wood ward.
- The Association shall not attempt to ‘poach’ from any existing tenants associations but will allow associate membership of those associations if they so desire.
- It shall be a condition of membership that members at all times conduct themselves in an appropriate manner whilst on Association business, especially at meetings or on premises used by the Association. Any member may be excluded for breach of this condition or for any other conduct contravening the objectives of the Association, by a majority of those present and voting at any general meeting. Any member so excluded shall have a right to appeal at the next general meeting.
- There is an annual Register of Interests which all members will sign. This will ensure transparency.
- The Association shall be managed by a committee to be elected at the annual general meeting (AGM).
- The committee shall consist of a chairperson, a vice chair, secretary, treasurer & assistant treasurer (collectively known as the officers), representatives of all Sub Committees or Sub Groups, and up to two other members.
- The election or removal of officers or committee members may only be carried out at the AGM or an SGM (Special General Meeting). However, the committee may temporarily fill any vacancy arising among the officers from its other members until the next general meeting.
- The committee shall be empowered to co—opt other members up to a maximum of two
Sub-committees and Sub-groups
- The committee may set up sub-committees and sub-groups.
- A chair of the sub-committee or sub-group shall be appointed and terms of reference set out.
- The officers shall be ex-officio members.
- Each sub-committee or sub-group shall be accountable to the committee and the membership and shall submit regular reports, via its chair, for discussion or approval at frequencies and in formats to be included within the terms of reference.
- The committee shall arrange an AGM for the purposes of:-
- Receiving the annual report of the committee and the independently verified statement of accounts
- Electing a new committee and independent verifier of the statement of accounts.
- Passing resolutions binding on the committee.
- Voting on any proposals to amend the constitution.
- The committee may at any time call an SGM of the Association for any purpose requiring a decision of the membership. Also, they shall call an SGM at the written request of not less than 25 members giving reason for their request. Such members would be required to attend the meeting.
- In addition to the AGM and any SGM, the association shall hold regular meetings, referred to as general meetings at a frequency to be determined by the membership.
- At each meeting of the Committee, of any Sub Committees/Groups and at all General Meetings, including the AGM, there will be an agenda followed by agreed and signed minutes. Each agenda shall include a declaration of any interest, financial or otherwise, by any member which shall be the first and standing item.
- Decisions at all meetings shall be taken by a simple majority of those present and voting.
- Matters at all meetings shall be discussed only if ten days’ notice in writing has been given to the secretary, unless the meeting decides the matter is an emergency. Four days’ advance notice shall be given to members of the AGM, any SGM and all general meetings, with date, place, time and agenda.
- The quorum for committee meetings shall be four to include at least one officer. The quorum for the AGM, any SGM and all general meetings shall be one third of the membership or twenty five whichever is the less.
- Members shall delegate certain discussions and decisions to the Committee. Chair and Committee shall delegate to Sub Committees/Groups according to the Terms of Reference. This will enable detailed research and discussion to take place in greater depth and more regularly than is possible at general meetings of the whole membership. Reporting back, discussion and consequent decision making will take place in accord with the Terms of Reference.
Duties of Officers
- The Chairperson (in his/her absence the secretary or other member of the committee) shall conduct all meetings. The Chairperson shall seek to ensure that the activities of the Association are in accord with its democratic decisions. The Chairperson shall prepare the agenda with the Secretary who will distribute to members.
- The Treasurer shall maintain a current banking account in the name of the Association (with the option of an interest bearing account, also at the discretion of the committee). All cheques shall be signed by two of the five officers. The Treasurer shall keep accounts of income and expenditure and report as required. Such accounts shall be independently verified. The treasurer shall keep a register of members.
- The Secretary shall be responsible for the convening of all meetings. He/she shall keep minutes of each meeting to be presented at the next meeting and signed by the Chairperson as an accurate record.
- All members shall pay such subscriptions as may be determined by the AGM or any SGM.
- Any reasonable expense properly incurred on the Association’s business by any member shall be reimbursed if the committee so approves.
- No committee member shall be paid for their time while acting on behalf of the Residents Association and any expenses incurred over £20 must be preauthorised by the committee, declared at the following full Residents Association meeting and minuted.
- That the income of the organisation, including any subscription or other monies raised by or on behalf of the Association shall only be used in furtherance of the objectives of the Association.
Other Bodies
- Any member delegated to represent the Association in consultation with any other body shall act on the instructions of the Association and shall report back to the next following committee or general meeting whichever is sooner.
- The Association shall have the power to affiliate to any body whose objectives may be of benefit to the membership.
- If a general meeting decides to wind up or dissolve the Association any any assets will be transferred to another charitable/not for profit organisation the meeting decides on, not to the organisation’s members.