Neighbourhood Watch News
Download the latest burglary and motor vehicle crime figures from 1st-17th January.
Download the latest burglary and motor vehicle crime figures from 1st-17th January.
Pollards Hill SDA Church are starting up a free Sunday lunch, run from the dining room and kitchen in the New Horizon Centre, Pollards Hill…
Association – AGM – Tuesday 9th January 2018 St Josephs Church Hall (entrance off Park Road). Welcome, apologies and introduction. Minutes from last meeting and…
A new local plan is being prepared for Merton in 2020, and residents are being consulted on all the hot topics! This might be one…
Make your voice heard – tell Merton what you think about their air quality plan Merton Council has published its Air Quality Action Plan for…
If you would like to get fit and active and would like to get out into the fresh air on a Saturday, please come and…
Helen McAuley talked at the recent CWRA meeting about a proposed boundary for admissions to Singlegate Primary School. Read more about the work she has…
Residents and park users have told the council that they are concerned about growing numbers of dog-related problems in public spaces, such a dog fouling and…
From Steve Wallace – Merton Police Borough commander. As you are already aware the Met are consulting on further closures of police stations and how…
Everyone is welcome to the Residents Association meetings! Please come along to find out what is happening in our community – more details here. Read…